on first purchase
valid for all products
Standard Certificate @ $5.99
Wildcard Certificate @ $26.00

FREE SSL Certificate for One Year at SSL2BUY

FREE SSL Certificate for 1 year to all content based, CMS, non-profit websites.

After Google’s recent announcement about the positive impact of SSL certificate in their organic search result, most content-based websites started migrating to HTTPS. If you are one of those who want to start with HTTPS, we have good news for you. Now we will offer FREE Comodo positive SSL certificate for 1 year to all content based, CMS, non-profit websites. Let us share more information about this announcement and importance of the SSL certificate.

Few days back, a visitor asked a question about the importance of SSL security for content-based websites. Many people have a misconception about the correlation between the content-oriented website and SSL. For content-oriented websites, content integrity and its authenticity are necessary and for that, such websites should go for SSL certificate. Hence, SSL2BUY offers Comodo Positive SSL at free of cost along with the secure site seal.

The Comodo Positive SSL certificate not only builds a secure environment on the website but also assures users and readers about the authenticity and integrity of the website content. Free Comodo Positive SSL bestows astonishing features, for example, 2048-bit CSR encryption, 256-bit encryption, 99% desktop and mobile browser ubiquity, domain authentication, and many other features.

Comodo Positive SSL will help to protect the website against phishing, data sniffing, and man-in-middle attack. It will ensure visitors and customers that they are surfing on a secure website, and the content of a website is reliable and not changed since the author has published it.

The company also provides a secure site seal as an additional trait with Free Comodo Positive SSL. Customers can further reveal the certificate details with a single click on this site seal. SSL2BUY Secured Site Seal will show details like organization’s common name, locality, state, country, certificate expiry, and key size. Just place SSL2BUY site seal on a home page, a login page, or any page where a customer needs assurance.

To get your SSL certificate at free of cost, you must need to contact our sales team.

Send Request For a Free SSL

About SSL2BUY:

SSL2BUY is one of the finest and reputed SSL providers in the SSL industry that provides modern and sturdy SSL products to every size of businesses. High-end customer support and diversified SSL products not only enhance customer’s confidence but also help enterprises to increase ROI of their businesses.

Note: Only bloggers, news, forum and other content-rich websites are eligible to claim this offer. The requester must require placing “SSL2BUY site seal” on the website or web page.

We also have cost-effective solutions for your business websites. Get incredible deals on SSL certificates with great discounts on purchase and sign-ups.

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About the Author
Nikita Gupta

Nikita Gupta

Nikita Gupta is a seasoned professional with a master's degree in Computer Applications. She brings over 10 years of profound experience to the realm of technology. Her exceptional expertise spans software security, data security, and mastery in SSL/TLS. When it comes to cutting-edge solutions for securing digital assets, Nikita is a dedicated pro.

Trusted by Millions

SSL2BUY delivers highly trusted security products from globally reputed top 5 Certificate Authorities. The digital certificates available in our store are trusted by millions – eCommerce, Enterprise, Government, Inc. 500, and more.
The Guardian