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What is a UCC SSL? Why is It Considered for Securing Multiple Domains?

Unified Communications Certificate(UCC) is used to protect up to 250 domains and sub-domains under a single cert.

What is UCC SSL? This phrase may help you in selecting an SSL certificate for your website and saves your money. Many of you are not aware of the UCC SSL certificate. In this short piece of information, we will talk about what is UCC SSL and its importance, features, and everything you need to know.

exchange ssl certificates

UCC SSL certificates or Unified Communication certificate secures Fully Qualified Domain Names (FQDN) under a single SSL certificate. In this certificate, the first domain is considered the primary domain or “Basic Domain,” and the rest domains will be deemed SAN (Subject Alternative Names) domains. UCC certificate (depends upon the provider) secures up to 250 domains in a single certificate.

UCC SSL certificate is available in both domain and business validation. Domain validation requires a paperless process and issues a certificate within few minutes after checking the WHOIS record and domain ownership. In organization validation, it requires thorough verification of business registration documents along with third- party sources. A fast issuance along with multi-domains security attracts customers to UCC SSL certificate.

Why is UCC SSL necessary?

A standard single domain SSL cannot be helpful and seems costly when an enterprise wants to secure multiple domains. A single domain gives the tedious job of multiple certificate management, and there are likely chances of lapse of renewal. To overcome this situation, a UCC certificate is an ideal way to curb the situation. Moreover, UCC SSL certificates are designed to secure the Microsoft Exchange server, communication server, and Live communication server environment.

How does the UCC certificate work?

UCC certificate secures main domain and other SAN domains showing as below:


A user can add or delete SAN domains in the SAN field during the certificate lifecycle. When you add/edit a new domain to the certificate, you need to reissue the current certificate. Previously, each domain required a unique IP address, but the arrival of the Server Name Indication (SNI) feature has allowed all domains to be managed on a single IP address. So, a UCC SSL can be installed on a single IP address on different servers.

Features of UCC SSL

UCC SSL certificate comes with few valuable features that make it a worthy purchase for any enterprise.

  • Securing up to 250 domains in a single UCC certificate
  • www and non-www domains can be secured.
  • 2048-bit CSR encryption for better security strength
  • Ideal for Microsoft Exchange and Office Communication servers
  • SHA-2 Algorithm support
  • Unlimited Server Licenses
  • Free Reissues
  • More than 99% browser compatibility
  • 30-days money-back policy

Overall, the UCC SSL certificate reduces the burden of certificate management and offers a single expiry date for renewal of all domains and subdomains that can be easily manageable. Moreover, SSL2BUY regularly sends renewal reminders to customers to avoid certificate expiration. We can say that a UCC SSL certificate is a great way to save money and time for certificate administration.

SSL2BUY brings an ideal solution with UCC SSL certificates to protect your SAN domains and MS Exchange server environment.

Product Name Comodo UCC/SAN/Multi-Domain SSL Comodo Multi Domain Wildcard SSL
Algorithm SHA-2 Enabled SHA-2 Enabled
Search Engine Visibility SSL will boost Google rankings SSL will boost Google rankings
Validation Type Domain Validation - DV Domain Validation - DV
Issuance Time 15 minutes or less 15 minutes or less
Domains Secured Secure up to 250 domains Multiple domains & its unlimited subdomains
Server Licenses Unlimited Unlimited
CSR Encryption 2048-bit 2048-bit
SSL Encryption Up to 256-bit Up to 256-bit
Mobile & smartphone support 99% 99%
Browser compatibility 99% 99%
Client OS compatibility 99% 99%
Includes Malware Scan
Includes Trust Seal Comodo Positive SSL Site Seal Comodo PositiveSSL Site Seal
Reissuance Unlimited during certificate lifespan Unlimited during certificate lifespan
Warranty $10,000 USD $10,000 USD
Refund Policy 30 days full money back 30 days full money back
Vendor Price
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About the Author

Meet Solanki

Meet Solanki, an IT maestro with 8+ years of hands-on expertise in the realms of network and server administration. Armed with a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Meet takes pride in being more than a tech enthusiast - he ensures that the systems run seamlessly and maintain the highest standards of security. His technical acumen is a testament to his commitment to optimizing system performance and ensuring robust security protocols.