on first purchase
valid for all products
Standard Certificate @ AU$9.22
Wildcard Certificate @ AU$40.04

SSL Certificate Cost – Starting at the Best Price of AU$9.22/yr

Compare SSL Certificate Cost by Type, Validation & Brand

SSL certificate cost depends on the SSL types and validations you choose. It can vary from AU$9.22 to AU$2768.92 per year. We offer a range of branded SSL certificates to secure your website with the highest level of encryption.

Browse and compare premium brand HTTPS/SSL certificates, code signing, and email signing certificates, with savings of 25% to 80% off retail prices. We offer exclusive deals and discounts on bulk SSL purchases for system integrators, IT service businesses, hosting companies, and many more to receive lock-in price deals.

With our 24/7 live chat support, you can receive assistance anytime, ensuring a seamless and hassle-free customer experience.

SSL Certificate cost matter

Why does SSL Certificate cost matter?

The certificate cost involves major three values to consider like domains secured, issuer brand value and identity verifications.

  • Domains Secured: Mainly the certs are categorized like Single Domain, Multiple Domains, Domain and many Sub-Domains. Before you buy it, check the requirements with your developer, server administrator or networking team.
  • Issuer Brand Value: No brand offers degraded products when it comes to encryption concerns and warranty coverage. Each brand has its own pricing and issuance policy for their products. In our SSL store, we sell globally recognized and trusted Certificate Authorities (CAs). All these CAs provide excellent encryption and signing solutions—shop certificates with confidence. Purchase HTTPS and code signing certificates from known highly recognized brands like AlphaSSL, Comodo, GlobalSign, GeoTrust, RapidSSL, Thawte, and DigiCert. You can save between 25% and 80% off standard pricing!
  • Identity Verification: SSL certificates are security products and come with Identity Information. The CA validates domain ownership for standard products and business ownership for advanced products. The standard products are cheaper as compared to advanced. The verification process has a major role in the certificate issuance process and CA reputation. If the CA fails to conduct the standardized verification protocols, the CA/B forum may remove them from Trusted CAs list.

What is a multi-year subscription and how does it work?

The SSL certificate is now compulsory for all websites – transactional, non-transactions, information blogs, email server-clients and everything you name it. You’ll always need an SSL certificate to keep your website live, secure and error free user experience.

Buying an SSL certificate for maximum years reduces the cost. You don’t need to pay the fees every year when you buy or renew an SSL subscription for maximum years. You can reset your SSL certificate with a new expiry date every next year. Our automated certificate life cycle management system will send email alerts to reset and reinstall your SSL certificates. You can manage the subscription in your account for certificate lifespan. On every issuance, the certificate will be issued with 12- or 13-months validity – as per CA/B forum guideline.

Multi-year Subscription

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the different types of SSL certificates, and how to compare their prices ?

We offer different types of SSL and code signing certificates with different technical features and specifications. Their pricing vary based on the type of certificate and the validation level. It’s important to evaluate correct product to match with specific needs while choosing the SSL certificate.

Each of these can be categorized by validation type: DV (Domain Validation), OV (Organization Validation), EV (Extended Validation)

Is there any extra cost associated with an SSL certificate standard price?

No, our display pricing is very transparent, and we assure that there will be no extra cost applied on purchase or renewal. We also don’t automatically charge for renewals, so you have the freedom to purchase your renewal license with us or from another provider.

How often do I need to renew my SSL certificate, and what is the renewal cost?

It’s best practice to renew your SSL certificate 7 to 30 days before its expiration date. Certificate renewal cost is generally similar to that of a new certificate. You can also purchase a multi-year subscription for better pricing. Keep in mind that SSL certificate renewal process requires revalidating domain ownership and reinstalling it on your server, so it’s wise to renew as early as possible.

How do I get a discount on certificates bulk purchases?

We offer exclusive pricing and lucrative deals on SSL and Code signing certificates bulk purchases. If your cart includes 10 or more certificates or the cart total is at least $2000, please connect with our sales team to discuss your exclusive deals. Connect us via live chat to discuss requirements or write an email at sales@ssl2buy.com.

Why there is a price difference between single-domain, multi-domain, and wildcard SSL certificates?

Pricing of SSL certificates varies based on the number of domains secured by certificate. Single domain certificates are low priced, while multi-domain and wildcard certificates are bit pricier due to their broader coverage of wildcard domain name. Please visit products and pricing page for more details on the certificate types and pricing

Are free SSL certificates a good option?

Free cost certificates (majorly offered by LE) can be used for temporary use cases, demo websites or personal projects. However, these are primarily non-commercial and do not come with CA warranties. For technical assistance, you have to rely on a community discussions. For better security and service assurance, you can consider our low-priced SSL certificates to effectively protect your digital assets.

What warranties come with SSL certificates, and do they affect pricing?

Warranties are offered by certificate issuer and vary depending on the type of certificate and the issuing CA. For example, CAs offer highest warranties with Extended Validation (EV) SSL certificates and lowest with Domain Validated (DV) certificates. DigiCert, for instance, provides the highest warranty with their EV SSL Certificates.

Please read certificate features and specifications for the specific warranty amount offered by the issuing CA.

Where can I find the best deal on SSL certificates?

Since 2010, SSL2BUY guarantees the best pricing on top-brand HTTPS and Code Signing Certificates. As an authorized international distributor of top CAs, we offer over 50 trusted security products used by billions of websites. Visit us now and save up to 80% off direct pricing.

Trusted by Millions

SSL2BUY delivers highly trusted security products from globally reputed top 5 Certificate Authorities. The digital certificates available in our store are trusted by millions – eCommerce, Enterprise, Government, Inc. 500, and more.
The Guardian